The Emergency Service for all your deliveries 0800 84 999 66

Our couriers

Most of our couriers have been with us for many years. They are experienced drivers familiar with the industry and the standards of our company. On a motorcycle or driving a van, they are dedicated to getting the parcel to its destination safely and on time.


Anglia Courier Express (East Anglia) Ltd is an equal opportunities employer and does not discriminate on grounds of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age.


If you are interested in becoming an express courier, contact us.

All our couriers are self employed sub contractors and are responsible for providing their own vehicles, fuel, telephone, maps and any other equipment required to provide a service.

For our collaboration to begin, we will have to check all of your documentation: driving licence, vehicle MOT certificate if applicable and your vehicle insurance, which must state that it is insured for courier use. You will also be required to undergo Police PNC checks.

We expect our couriers to be clean, presentable and polite to our clients, as well as being good map readers, safe drivers and have the ability to follow clear precise instructions. All our standards and expectations are set out in our courier manual, which will be given to you as part of your training.

If you feel you fit the bill and would like to be considered next time we are looking to swell our ranks then please send an email to our Operations Manager at including your vehicle type and age (of vehicle), and your contact details.

PLEASE NOTE: The phrase “From Envelopes to Elephants … We Deliver” is a metaphor used to describe the size of consignments that we are able to handle, it is our catch phrase or strap line. We do not ship live animals as we feel that this is best left to people who specialise in that field.

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Whatever your consignment from Envelopes to Elephants we deliver.